Mecânica da fratura do concreto

Saiba como o concreto armado reage a diferentes esforços e como a mecânica da fratura ajuda a avaliar sua resistência e durabilidade.
Problems of instability in the sides of thin-walled tanks

Find out a little more in this article by Kot about some common instability problems in the sides of thin-walled tanks.
Fluid dynamic analysis of an offshore heliport

Find out a little more in this article about how Kot Engenharia carried out a Fluid Dynamics Analysis of an offshore heliport.
The importance of monitoring structural design

In this article, you'll learn about structural project monitoring, an activity of great importance in guaranteeing the integrity of assets.
Rail infrastructure: Dynamic amplification analysis

This article discusses a successful Kot case in which the dynamic amplification factor on a railroad was determined.
Anchor bolt failure investigation: Success story

Understand how Kot carried out an investigation into the failure of an anchor bolt, assessing the rupture of the base connection of a client's equipment.
Metal chimney creep analysis: Success story

Find out in this article how Kot Engenharia carried out a thermo-structural analysis on a chimney considering the effect of creep.
Structural and mechanical analysis of an ore stacker: Success story

Understand how Kot carried out a structural and mechanical analysis of a forklift truck to assess the asset's safety and operational efficiency.
Applications of FFS analysis

This article explains FFS analysis and how this study is carried out by Kot, reiterating its fundamental role in assessing the structural integrity of assets.
FFS analysis - what is it?

Find out in this article how Kot Engenharia uses FFS analysis to assess the structural integrity of our clients' assets.